archipelagic stateの例文


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  1. However, archipelagic states may designate certain sea lanes through these waters.
  2. The largest archipelagic state in the world by area and population is Indonesia.
  3. However, Usodo said the security forces lacked the resources to patrol the coastline of the world's largest archipelagic state.
  4. Seas within an archipelagic state are considered the state's territory, where foreign vessels must obtain the permission of state authorities.
  5. Both countries shared similar views on the Archipelagic state principle during negotiations on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.


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  5. "archipelagic sea"の例文
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  11. "archipelagic doctrine"の例文
  12. "archipelagic sea"の例文
  13. "archipelagic water"の例文
  14. "archipelagic waters"の例文

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